

Skate Contests

Skate Games


About Us

Help build the skatezar community

By Skaters, For Skaters

Skatezar is not a business. It is a community project - and it will only work if the community supports it.

It is in the interest of all skateboarders to make skatezar work - and we need your help for it to work.

Become a skatezar ambassador

How do you become an ambassador?

  1. Upload an item πŸ“±πŸ›Ή
  2. Tell a friend to do the same πŸ‘¨
  3. Shout us out on instagram πŸ™
  4. DM us on instagram for next stepsπŸ™

We will send you free stickers and add you to our private instagram group!

Partnered with Fontoso
